Friday, June 10, 2011

Indoor Herb Garden, Part 2

Does everyone have their pots painted? Great!  The next step is to make fun little labels for your pots so that you will know what everything is when they sprout (and it just looks cute too)!

I used my Cricut machine to cut out the words Chives, Basil, and Cilantro.  If you do not have a die-cut machine, you could use stickers or even write with permanent ink on a piece of paper.

After you cut out the words, attach them to each pot with Modge Podge glue.  If you are not familiar with Modge Podge, it is basically a type of glue that dries clear and isn't tacky to the touch. It is a great sealant for many projects.  First, paint a small layer of Modge Podge on each pot.  Attach the wording they way you like and paint another layer of modge podge over top.  If this doesn't completely seal it, feel free to brush on one more layer after it dries.

The last step in making the pots took me out the garage.  I used a spray sealer on each piece to make sure the paint wouldn't chip or wear later.  I did about 2-3 coats with a gloss sealer so they would be nice and shiny!  Don't worry about sealing the inside of the pots, because they will just be filled up with dirt later!

Lastly, follow the directions on the seed packets to plant!  I believe mine said to plant 1/4 inch under the soil. As you can see below, I had a few sprouts within a couple days!

The sprouts have now turned into little plants and I couldn't be more excited. I will post a photo soon of the progress!  Let me know if you made an herb garden or what you plan to plant! I would love to hear from you!

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